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Managing Power Electronics

VLSI and DSP-Driven Computer Systems
Managing Power Electronics Image
A unique system focus that presents specific solutions for specific appliancesThis publication presents state-of-the-art power management techniques for modern electronic appliances that rely on such very large-scale integration (VLSI) chips as CPUs and DSPs. The author thoroughly covers all aspects of the field, including semiconductor manufacturing processes, packages, circuits, functions, and systems. A unique and significant contribution to the field, the publication adopts a "system focus" by first presenting the appliance and then delving into the power management architecture and topologies that best serve each appliance.In addition to specific techniques and applications, the publication discusses fundamental physical and socioecono...

Analysis Methods for RF, Microwave

And Millimeter-Wave Planar Transmission Line Structures
Analysis Methods for RF, Microwave Image
A one-stop reference to themajor techniques for analyzingmicrowave planar transmission line structuresThe last two decades have seen important progress in the development of methods for the analysis of microwave and millimeter-wave passive structures, which contributed greatly to microwave integrated circuit design while also stimulating the development of new planar transmission lines. This timely and authoritative work introduces microwave engineers to the most commonly used techniques for analyzing microwave planar transmission line structures.Designed to be easily accessible to readers with only a fundamental background in electromagnetic theory, the book provides clear explanations of the theory and applications of Green's function, the conforma...

Cryptography for Internet and Database Applications

Developing Secret and Public Key Techniques with Java
Cryptography for Internet and Database Applications Image
Cryptography is the gold standard for security. It is used to protect the transmission and storage of data between two parties by encrypting it into an unreadable format. Cryptography has enabled the first wave of secure transmissions, which has helped fuel the growth of transactions like shopping, banking, and finance over the world's biggest public network, the Internet. Many Internet applications such as e-mail, databases, and browsers store a tremendous amount of personal and financial information, but frequently the data is left unprotected. Traditional network security is frequently less effective at preventing hackers from accessing this data. For instance, once-private databases are now completely exposed on the Internet. It turns out that ge...

Modern Antenna Design

Modern Antenna Design Image
A practical book written for engineers who design and use antennasThe author has many years of hands on experience designing antennas that were used in such applications as the Venus and Mars missions of NASAThe book covers all important topics of modern antenna design for communicationsNumerical methods will be included but only as much as are needed for practical applications...

Modeling Online Auctions

Modeling Online Auctions Image
Explore cutting-edge statistical methodologies for collecting, analyzing, and modeling online auction dataOnline auctions are an increasingly important marketplace, as the new mechanisms and formats underlying these auctions have enabled the capturing and recording of large amounts of bidding data that are used to make important business decisions. As a result, new statistical ideas and innovation are needed to understand bidders, sellers, and prices. Combining methodologies from the fields of statistics, data mining, information systems, and economics, Modeling Online Auctions introduces a new approach to identifying obstacles and asking new questions using online auction data.The authors draw upon their extensive experience to introduce the latest ...

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