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Cryptography and Network Security

Cryptography and Network Security Image
4th Edition
In this age of viruses and hackers, of electronic eavesdropping and electronic fraud, security is paramount. This solid, up-to-date tutorial is a comprehensive treatment of cryptography and network security is ideal for self-study. Explores the basic issues to be addressed by a network security capability through a tutorial and survey of cryptography and network security technology. Examines the practice of network security via practical applications that have been implemented and are in use today. Provides a simplified AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) that enables readers to grasp the essentials of AES more easily. Features block cipher modes of operation, including the CMAC mode for authentication and the CCM mode for authenticated encryption. I...

Data and Computer Communications

Data and Computer Communications Image
5th Edition
This book covers the full range of data and computer communications, giving an up-to-date tutorial on leading edge network technologies. It includes expanded coverage of WANs, including ATM, frame relay, packet switching, and circuit switching. Also offered is expanded coverage of LANs, including Fast Ethernet, and expanded coverage of TCP/IP....

Operating Systems

Internals and Design Principles
Operating Systems Image
5th Edition
This book covers concepts, structure, and mechanisms of operating systems. Stallings presents the nature and characteristics of modern-day operating systems clearly and completely. Includes major programming projects. Offers step-by-step web support with CD/Rom Resources. A basic reference for those interested in learning more about operating systems; also suitable for self-study....

Operating Systems

Internals and Design Principles
Operating Systems Image
7th Edition
Operating Systems: Internals and Design Principles, 7e is ideal for introductory courses on operating systems. Operating Systems: Internals and Design Principles provides a comprehensive and unified introduction to operating systems topics. Stallings emphasizes both design issues and fundamental principles in contemporary systems and gives readers a solid understanding of the key structures and mechanisms of operating systems. He discusses design trade-offs and the practical decisions affecting design, performance and security. The book illustrates and reinforces design concepts and ties them to real-world design choices through the use of case studies in UNIX and Windows. Operating Systems: Internals and Design Principles, 6e received the 2009 Tex...

Wireless Communications & Networks

Wireless Communications & Networks Image
2nd Edition
Wireless Communications and Networks, 2e, provides one of the most up-to-date and accurate overviews of wireless principles, technology, and application. It is ideal for courses in wireless networking, wireless communications, wireless data communications or wireless technology in departments of Computer Science, Engineering, IT, and Continuing Education. The rapid growth of mobile telephone use, satellite services, and the wireless Internet are generating tremendous changes in telecommunications and networking. Combining very current technical depth with a strong pedagogy and advanced Web support, this new edition provides a comprehensive guide to wireless technology-exploring key topics such as technology and architecture, network types, des...

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