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Surveillance and Threat Detection

Prevention versus Mitigation

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Book Details:

Series: Butterworth Heinemann
Author:Richard Kirchner
Published:Jan 28 2014
Posted:Dec 13 2014
Book format:PDF
Book size:3.26 MB

Book Description:

Surveillance and Threat Detection offers readers a complete understanding of the terrorist/criminal cycle, and how to interrupt that cycle to prevent an attack. Terrorists and criminals often rely on pre-attack and pre-operational planning and surveillance activities that can last a period of weeks, months, or even years. Identifying and disrupting this surveillance is key to prevention of attacks. The systematic capture of suspicious events and the correlation of those events can reveal terrorist or criminal surveillance, allowing security professionals to employ appropriate countermeasures and identify the steps needed to apprehend the perpetrators. The results will dramatically increase the probability of prevention while streamlining protection assets and costs. Readers of Surveillance and Threat Detection will draw from real-world case studies that apply to their real-world security responsibilities. Ultimately, readers will come away with an understanding of how surveillance detection at a high-value, fixed site facility can be integrated into an overall security footprint for any organization. Understand the terrorist/criminal cycle and how to interrupt that cycle to prevent an attackUnderstand how to encapsulate criminal and terrorist surveillance, analyze suspicious activity reports, and use an all-hazard, threat-based surveillance detection protection programAccess a full ancillary package, including instructor's manual, test banks, and student study exams

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