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Black and White

In Photoshop CS3 and Photoshop Lightroom

Black and White Image

Book Details:

Publisher:Focal Press
Series: Focal Press
Author:Leslie Alsheimer
Published:Oct 25 2007
Posted:Nov 19 2014
Book format:PDF
Book size:21.45 MB

Book Description:

Black and white photography has come a long way in the digital world. Feeling overwhelmed by the endless conversion options in (and around) Photoshop, Lightroom and beyond? If so, you are not alone, and this is definitely the book for you!In this thoroughly up-to-date book that covers all of the new features of Photoshop CS3 and Lightroom, you'll learn how to use methods within an application or raw converter, scripts, plug-ins, and more. Leslie Alsheimer and Bryan O'Neil Hughes show you everything you need to know to uncover the secrets to successful black and white conversion and printmaking. Let the stunning images (presented in both color and black and white) show you just what is possible when you master these powerful tools.Bryan O'Neil Hughes is a Product Manager for the Photoshop team, and a Product Evangelist for the Photoshop Lightroom Team. Working for Adobe since 1999, Bryan has helped test, develop, drive and demonstrate Adobe's digital imaging applications. Beyond Adobe, Bryan is a published photographer, editor and author.Leslie Alsheimer is a freelance photographer, and photo educator based in Santa Fe, New Mexico. With the Santa Fe Digital Darkroom, Leslie travels around the country teaching photography, Photoshop and digital imaging workshops, as well as working with private clients as a creative imaging consultant, instructor, and trainer. She has worked extensively with many of the foremost digital image makers in the US. She is an instructor with the American Photo/Nikon Mentor Series and a member of the Adobe Beta Testing Team. Leslie is also the Director of Community Photography Outreach. Find out more about Leslie at: www.santafedigitaldarkroom.com/ What the readers are saying: "I have a bunch of Photoshop and Lightroom books but yours is overwhelmingly the very best. Congratulations!"-Leo SkogstroemPyttis, Finland"I learned more about photoshop in the three days I spent studying your book than I did in the 5 years playing around with it on my own. Your coverage of Color Management solved many issues I'd been having in trying to get the printed image to look like what I was seeing on my monitor. What I learned from you is that I was doing just about everything wrong with regards to capture and destructive editing. I have now completely changed both my pre- and post production work flow habits with amazing results. As a writer and small-publisher, I give you many kudos on creating a book that is by all accounts a real home run."-Rick Miller"I just wanted to write and say this is one of the best books I have ever read! I got it today and have spent all night reading it (it's about 1 am now) and I'm almost half way through it. Everything makes so much more sense now. I just wanted to tell you great job! It has gotten me more excited about photography in six hours than otherwise in the last six years!I really like your style and would like to "relearn" photography with your way of explaining. Thank you so much for writing this book. It's the first time I've been impressed enough with a product to write the maker and thank them."-Zachary MiklichNashville, TN"Long story short this is probably the best book that anyone in the digital world should put their hand to, it is far from being only about BW."-Patrick Lavoie photo.net patron"I am halfway through your new book on B&W in CS 3 and LR and I want to compliment you on a clear and concise treatise on CS3 and LR and your integrated workflow. Again, congratulations on an excellent book!"-Jeff Peters"I am enjoying your new book "Black and White". It is rare to find so many wonderful images in a 'How To' book."-Robert Sachs"I wish that I can tell you how I appreciate your contribution to making the digital darkroom something that I have fell in love with. Up to now I have used various books and sources: bits here and bits there. I have actually build up quite a library.No one particular reference book addressed the B+W worker with some basic understanding of Photoshop. You have produced something that fills this gap, and which is written and illustrated in a remarkable manner.I hail from the chemical darkroom, and as such have never really enjoyed correcting images on the computer. Photoshop, which is my program of choice, is quite intimidating, and the haphazard way in which I learned my skills from various sources, reflected in the inconsistent results that I was producing. Well, now all have changed. At least - something good is happening. I hope that you make a killing with your book - you deserve to!Keep abreast of the distant 'also-runners' by releasing updates as the technology changes."-Andre du Plessis(South African, living in London)"Black And White In Photoshop CS3 And Lightroom explains in clear and easy to understand steps what it takes to generate quality black and white images using Photoshop and/or Lightroom. It is really geared for the intermediate to advanced user who is looking to understand both workflow and color management techniques.There are a number of thing that I like about Black And White In Photoshop CS3 And Lightroom. First, I like the fact that it takes you down a number of paths on creating black and white images. It doesn't just say this is the best way and so that is all you learn. Second, I like the step-by-step approach to guide you through what you need to do to get results likethis.I think that if you want to become a master of Black and White photography then Black And White In Photoshop CS3 And Lightroom is highly recommended reading."-T. Michael TestiPublished January 25, 2008Part of The Enlightened Image

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