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JDBC API Tutorial and Reference

3rd Edition
JDBC API Tutorial and Reference Image

Book Details:

Publisher:Addison-Wesley Professional
Series: Addison Wesley
Author:Maydene Fisher
Published:Jun 21 2003
Posted:Nov 19 2014
Book format:CHM
Book size:1.32 MB

Book Description:

This book provides the definitive tutorial and reference to the JDBC API, the technology that enables universal data access for the Java programming language. This new edition has been updated and expanded to cover the entire JDBC 3.0 API, including the java.sql package and the javax.sql package, the package that facilitates building server-side applications. Containing in-depth explanations that go beyond the specification, this complete resource pairs a step-by-step tutorial with a comprehensive reference to every class and interface. For those new to Java technology, the book includes an introduction to the Java programming language and to SQL. It builds on this basic knowledge to walk you through the creation of a JDBC application--from setting up a database and establishing a connection to retrieving values from result sets and using prepared statements. In addition, the authors provide many examples along the way that demonstrate how to execute common tasks.The book then turns to more advanced topics, focusing on features such as scrollable and updatable result sets, batch updates, SQL99 data types, custom mapping, savepoints, statement pooling, automatically generated keys, and more. In addition to in-depth coverage of the JDBC metadata API, the book gives you the latest information on rowsets, the technology that makes it possible to handle data sets as JavaBeans components. As an added bonus, you get a preview of the standard implementations for JdbcRowSet, CachedRowSet, WebRowSet, JoinRowSet, and FilteredRowSet objects. From Array to XADataSource, an easy-to-use alphabetical reference provides concise but complete information on each class and interface in the JDBC API. Each entry includes an overview with usage examples as well as a comprehensive explanation of the methods and fields. A chapter on mapping SQL types and types in the Java programming language, an appendix for driver writers, a summary of the new features in the JDBC 2.0 and 3.0 APIs, and a glossary complete this indispensable resource for all database programmers.The Java Series is supported, endorsed, and authored by the creators of the Java technology at Sun Microsystems, Inc. It is the official place to go for complete, expert, and definitive information on Java technology. The books in this Series provide the inside information you need to build effective, robust, and portable applications and applets. The Series is an indispensable resource for anyone targeting the Java 2 platform. 0321173848B05222003

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