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MIDP 2.0 Style Guide

MIDP 2.0 Style Guide Image

Book Details:

Publisher:Addison-Wesley Professional
Series: Addison Wesley
Author:Cynthia Bloch
Published:Jun 10 2003
Posted:Nov 19 2014
Book format:CHM
Book size:2.1 MB

Book Description:

MIDP 2.0 Style Guide for the JavaaA A 2 Platform, Micro Edition, is the comprehensive reference for designing and creating interactive JavaaA A applications for consumer-oriented mobile devices. Readers learn how to best exploit MIDP 2.0 features, such as the gaming API, multimedia, and security for user-friendly MIDlets. Readers who create MIDP environments (MIDP implementors) also learn how to best support developers and users. This book begins by introducing readers to the unique requirements of the consumer market and to the characteristics of MIDs and the MIDP 2.0 environment. Readers have a first look at the process of designing applications for MIDP in general terms before examining the nuts and bolts of creating usable, predictable applications. The authors provide user interface designers, application developers, and MIDP implementers with clearly illustrated standards for working with screen layouts, lists, text boxes, forms, alerts, canvas screens, and game screens. Visual examples demonstrate both what does and what does not work. The book ends with the authors' strategies for improving usability, security, and performance.Key topic coverage includes: *designing applications for MIDP *working with and displaying lists, text boxes, and alerts *working with and laying out forms and form items *creating and implementing canvases *using the new game package *using and implementing abstract commands *integrating MIDP and MIDlet suites into a device *using push functionality *understanding the MIDP 2. 0 security model *using touch input *enhancing performance and using multiple threads MIDP 2.0 Style Guide for the JavaaA A 2 Platform, Micro Edition, is the insider's guide to creating applications and devices that create consumer demand. 0321198018B05302003

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