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A Game Design Vocabulary

Exploring the Foundational Principles Behind Good Game Design

A Game Design Vocabulary Image

Book Details:

Publisher:Addison-Wesley Professional
Series: Addison Wesley , Principles
Author:Anna Anthropy
Published:Mar 08 2014
Posted:Jan 14 2015
Book format:PDF
Book size:7.46 MB

Book Description:

Master the Principles and Vocabulary of Game Design Why aren't videogames getting better? Why does it feel like we're playing the same games, over and over again? Why aren't games helping us transform our lives, like great music, books, and movies do? The problem is language. We still don't know how to talk about game design. We can't share our visions. We forget what works (and doesn't). We don't learn from history. It's too hard to improve. The breakthrough starts here. A Game Design Vocabulary gives us the complete game design framework we desperately need-whether we create games, study them, review them, or build businesses on them. Craft amazing experiences. Anna Anthropy and Naomi Clark share foundational principles, examples, and exercises that help you create great player experiencescomplement intuition with design disciplineand craft games that succeed brilliantly on every level. Liberate yourself from stale clichs and genres Tell great stories: go way beyond cutscenes and text dumps Control the crucial relationships between game 'verbs' and 'objects' Wield the full power of development, conflict, climax, and resolution Shape scenes, pacing, and player choices Deepen context via art, animation, music, and sound Help players discover, understand, engage, and 'talk back' to you Effectively use resistance and difficulty: the 'push and pull' of games Design holistically: integrate visuals, audio, and controls Communicate a design vision everyone can understand

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