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Puzzles for Programmers and Pros

Puzzles for Programmers and Pros Image

Book Details:

Series: Wrox
Author:Dennis Elliott Shasha
Published:Apr 20 2007
Posted:Nov 19 2014
Book format:CHM
Book size:5.8 MB

Book Description:

Aimed at both working programmers who are applying for a job where puzzles are an integral part of the interview, as well as techies who just love a good puzzle, this book offers a cache of exciting puzzlesFeatures a new series of puzzles, never before published, called elimination puzzles that have a pedagogical aim of helping the reader solve an entire class of Sudoku-like puzzlesProvides the tools to solve the puzzles by hand and computerThe first part of each chapter presents a puzzle; the second part shows readers how to solve several classes of puzzles algorithmically; the third part asks the reader to solve a mystery involving codes, puzzles, and geographyComes with a unique bonus: if readers actually solve the mystery, they have a chance to win a prize, which will be promoted on wrox.com!

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