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Handbook of Optoelectronics

Handbook of Optoelectronics Image

Book Details:

Publisher:Taylor & Francis
Series: CRC Press , Handbook
Author:J. Dakin
Published:May 17 2006
Posted:Nov 19 2014
Book format:PDF
Book size:32.58 MB

Book Description:

A field as diverse as optoelectronics needs a reference that is equally versatile. From basic physics and light sources to devices and state-of-the-art applications, the Handbook of Optoelectronics provides comprehensive, self-contained coverage of fundamental concepts and practical applications across the entire spectrum of disciplines encompassed by optoelectronics. The handbook unifies a broad array of current research areas with a forward-looking focus on systems and applications.Beginning with an introduction to the relevant principles of physics, materials science, engineering, and optics, the book explores the details of optoelectronic devices and techniques including semiconductor lasers, optical detectors and receivers, optical fiber devices, modulators, amplifiers, integrated optics, LEDs, and engineered optical materials. Applications and systems then become the focus, with sections devoted to industrial, medical, and commercial applications, communications, imaging and displays, sensing and data processing, spectroscopic analysis, the art of practical optoelectronics, and future prospects. This extensive resource comprises the efforts of more than 70 world-renowned experts from leading industrial and academic institutions around the world and includes many references to contemporary works.Whether used as a field reference, as a research tool, or as a broad and self-contained introduction to the field, the Handbook of Optoelectronics places everything you need in a unified, conveniently organized format.

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