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Designing Embedded Systems with PIC Microcontrollers

Principles and Applications

Designing Embedded Systems with PIC Microcontrollers Image

Book Details:

Series: Newnes , Embedded
Author:Tim Wilmshurst
Published:Nov 27 2006
Posted:Nov 19 2014
Book format:PDF
Book size:12.16 MB

Book Description:

This book is a hands-on introduction to the principles and practice of embedded system design using the PIC microcontroller. Packed with helpful examples and illustrations, it gives an in-depth treatment of microcontroller design, programming in both assembly language and C, and features advanced topics such as networking and real-time operating systems. It is accompanied by a companion website containing copies of all programs and software tools used in the text and a 'student' version of the C complier.Designing Embedded Systems with PIC Microcontrollers: Principles and Applications is ideal for students of electronics, mechatronics and computer engineering. Engineers in industry and informed hobbyists will also find this book a valuable resource when designing and implementing both simple and sophisticated embedded systems using the PIC Microcontroller.Support material, including new and supporting information, links to useful sites, and errata, is available from the book's companion site. *Gain the knowledge and skills required for developing today's embedded systems, through use of the PIC microcontroller.*Explore in detail the 16F84A, 16F873A and 18F242 microcontrollers as examples of the wider PIC family.*Learn how to program in Assembler and C.*Work through sample designs and design ideas, including a robot in the form of an autonomous guided vehicle.*Accompanied by a CD-ROM containing copies of all programs and software tools used in the text and a 'student' version of the C complier.

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