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Using Oracle Sql Stored Outlines & Optimizer Plan Stability

Using Oracle Sql Stored Outlines & Optimizer Plan Stability Image

Book Details:

Series: Rampant , Using
Author:Mike Ault
Published:Jan 01 2003
Posted:Nov 19 2014
Book format:PDF
Book size:0.58 MB

Book Description:

Setting Up for Use of Outlines,Installing OUTLN Schema 'After the Fact'. Script to Install OUTLN Schema, General Facts about OUTLN Schema, Requirements for OUTLINE Use.Some General Usage Notes:Views Used With OUTLINES,Packages Used with OUTLINEs,Plan Stability, Creation of a OUTLINE object.Altering a OUTLINE. Dropping an OUTLINE. Use of the OUTLN_PKG To Manage SQL Stored Outlines. DROP_UNUSED. DROP_BY_CAT. UPDATE_BY_CAT. New Procedures for Oracle9i:Manually Editing Plans, Using DML and Packages to Edit Outlines.A Detailed Example: Using DBMS_OUTLN_EDIT.GENERATE_SIGNATURE,Replacing a Non-Hinted Outline,Technique. Example. Moving OUTLINES from One DB to Another.

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