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For The Real World

2nd Edition
HTML5 & CSS3 Image

Book Details:

Series: Sitepoint
Author:Alexis Goldstein
Published:Mar 17 2015
Posted:Jun 02 2015
Book format:PDF
Book size:6.98 MB

Book Description:

HTML5 and CSS3 for the Real World is your perfect introduction to the latest generation of web technologies. This easy-to-follow guide covers everything you need to know to get started today. You'll master the semantic markup available in HTML5, as well as how to use CSS3 to create amazing-looking websites without resorting to complex workarounds. You'll learn how to: Lose that pesky Flash habit by embracing native HTML5 videoSet type that truly supports your messageBuild intelligent web forms that users will love!Design modern web apps the shine on mobile devicesCreate dynamic, efficient graphics on the fly with SVG and canvasUse shiny new APIs to add geolocation and offline functionalityBuild your own full featured HTML5 website, the HTML5 HeraldThis easy-to-follow guide is illustrated with lots of examples, and leads readers through the process of creating great websites from start to finish using HTML5 and CSS3.

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