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Algorithm Design and Applications

Algorithm Design and Applications Image

Book Details:

Series: Wiley
Author:Michael T. Goodrich
Published:Oct 27 2014
Posted:Feb 12 2015
Book format:PDF
Book size:12.08 MB

Book Description:

Introducing a NEW addition to our growing library of computer science titles,Algorithm Design and Applications, by Michael T. Goodrich Roberto Tamassia! Algorithms is a course required for all computer science majors, with a strong focus on theoretical topics. Students enter the course after gaining hands-on experience with computers, and are expected to learn how algorithms can be applied to a variety of contexts. This new book integrates application with theory.Goodrich Tamassia believe that the best way to teach algorithmic topics is to present them in a context that is motivated from applications to uses in society, computer games, computing industry, science, engineering, and the internet. The text teaches students about designing and using algorithms, illustrating connections between topics being taught and their potential applications, increasing engagement.

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