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The Mobile Application Hacker's Handbook

The Mobile Application Hacker's Handbook Image

Book Details:

Publisher:John Wiley & Sons
Series: Wiley , Handbook
Author:Dominic Chell
Published:Apr 03 2015
Posted:Mar 04 2016
Book format:PDF
Book size:11.96 MB

Book Description:

See your app through a hackers eyes to find the real sources of vulnerability The Mobile Application Hackers Handbook is a comprehensive guide to securing all mobile applications by approaching the issue from a hackers point of view. Heavily practical, this book provides expert guidance toward discovering and exploiting flaws in mobile applications on the iOS, Android, Blackberry, and Windows Phone platforms. You will learn a proven methodology for approaching mobile application assessments, and the techniques used to prevent, disrupt, and remediate the various types of attacks. Coverage includes data storage, cryptography, transport layers, data leakage, injection attacks, runtime manipulation, security controls, and crossplatform apps, with vulnerabilities highlighted and detailed information on the methods hackers use to get around standard security. Mobile applications are widely used in the consumer and enterprise markets to process and/or store sensitive data. There is currently little published on the topic of mobile security, but with over a million apps in the Apple App Store alone, the attack surface is significant. This book helps you secure mobile apps by demonstrating the ways in which hackers exploit weak points and flaws to gain access to data. Understand the ways data can be stored, and how cryptography is defeated Set up an environment for identifying insecurities and the data leakages that arise Develop extensions to bypass security controls and perform injection attacks Learn the different attacks that apply specifically to crossplatform apps IT security breaches have made big headlines, with millions of consumers vulnerable as major corporations come under attack. Learning the tricks of the hackers trade allows security professionals to lock the app up tight. For better mobile security and less vulnerable data, The Mobile Application Hackers Handbook is a practical, comprehensive guide.

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