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Algorithms Sequential & Parallel

A Unified Approach

3rd Edition
Algorithms Sequential & Parallel Image

Book Details:

Publisher:Cengage Learning
Series: Cengage
Author:Laurence Boxer
Published:Dec 20 2012
Posted:Nov 19 2014
Book format:PDF
Book size:8.41 MB

Book Description:

Equip yourself for success with a state-of-the-art approach to algorithms available only in Miller/Boxer's ALGORITHMS SEQUENTIAL AND PARALLEL: A UNIFIED APPROACH, 3E. This unique and functional text gives you an introduction to algorithms and paradigms for modern computing systems, integrating the study of parallel and sequential algorithms within a focused presentation. With a wide range of practical exercises and engaging examples drawn from fundamental application domains, this book prepares you to design, analyze, and implement algorithms for modern computing systems.

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