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2013 Coding Workbook

For the Physician's Office

2013 Coding Workbook Image

Book Details:

Publisher:Cengage Learning
Series: Cengage
Author:Alice Covell
Published:May 30 2013
Posted:Nov 19 2014
Book format:PDF
Book size:4.89 MB

Book Description:

Reflecting the latest practices from the field, 2013 CODING WORKBOOK FOR THE PHYSICIAN'S OFFICE enables readers to expand their medical vocabulary, improve their CPT and ICD-9-CM coding skills, and transition to ICD-10-CM. Coding exercises reference each section of the CPT and ICD-9-CM coding manuals as well as HPCS Level II codes. Extremely thorough, the workbook corresponds to the latest code releases, includes updated certification style questions and provides comprehensive, critical-thinking coding scenarios. It also includes Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) guidelines for diagnosis coding and reporting to physicians. Annual code updates, accuracy, flexibility and brevity are the signature features that continue to make this book a bestseller.

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