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CSS3 Solutions

Essential Techniques for CSS3 Developers

CSS3 Solutions Image

Book Details:

Series: Apress , Solutions
Author:Marco Casario
Published:Aug 14 2012
Posted:Nov 19 2014
Book format:PDF
Book size:6.78 MB

Book Description:

CSS3 brings a mass of changes, additions, and improvements to CSS across a range of new modules. Web designers and developers now have a whole host of new techniques up their sleeves, from working with colors and fonts accurately, tousing media queries to ensure correct styling across a multitude of devices. But all of these new technologiesbring more tags to learn and more avenues for things to go wrong. CSS3 Solutions provides a collection of solutions to all of the most common CSS3 problems. Every solution contains sample code that is production-ready and can be applied to any project. What youll learnReal-world solutions for everyday CSS3 development, saving hours of frustration. Problems covered include: Developing across multiple devices Design patterns for user experience and mobile Working with the CSS box model Who this book is for Web developers and designers seeking practical advice on making CSS3 work. Table of Contents CSS Basics CSS Selectors Font, Text and Color CSS Typography Tables and Lists CSS Box Model CSS Positioning and Layouts Multidevice Development Transitions and Transformations Multimedia and Accessibility UX Patterns Mobile UX Patterns

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