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Pro CSS3 Animation

Pro CSS3 Animation Image

Book Details:

Series: Apress
Author:Dudley Storey
Published:Dec 05 2012
Posted:Nov 19 2014
Book format:PDF
Book size:8.05 MB

Book Description:

Pro CSS3 Animationwill teach you how to usefresh new CSS3 syntax to fully utilize this exciting tool for web design. Using cutting-edge industry standards and drawing on best practices for animation, you will learn how to apply CSS3 animation to transform and bring your page content to life. CSS3 is the way forward for web page interactivity and animation, offering new and exciting options for design. Integrated with HTML5, SVG and mobile design methodologies, you can bring sites into the third dimension to change the perception and appreciation generated in your audience. This book will teach you how to: Enhance your web pages, and your visitors experience of your site, with animation Animate images and other page content to create banners, interactive galleries and slideshows Provide fallback and support options for older browsers Chain CSS3 syntax with @media queries, filters and 3D transformations to create responsive animations with depth Provide animation to mobile devices without Flash or JavaScript What youll learn The advantages of CSS3 animation The syntax for transitions and keyframe animations How to animate navigational elements to enhance your visitor's user experience How to animate images and other page content to create banners, interactive galleries and slideshows How to integrate JavaScript and SVG to scale animation sequences How to chain CSS3 syntax with @media queries, filters, parallax perspective and 3D transformations to create responsive animations with depth Who this book is for Pro CSS3 Animationis for the experienced web developer who is ready to embrace modern web standards and animate their page content with powerful, cutting-edge technologies. If you want to create accessible, interactive animations with CSS or are looking for alternatives to Flash and JavaScript frameworks, Pro CSS3 Animation is for you. Table of Contents Chapter One: CSS3 Fundamentals Chapter Two: CSS3 Transforms Transitions Chapter Three: Transition Effects for Images Chapter Four: Transition Effects for UI Elements Chapter Five: Introduction to Keyframe Animations Chapter Six: Keyframe Animations for Web Content Chapter Seven: Integrating CSS3 Animations with SVG Filters Chapter Eight: Animated Responsive Web Design Chapter Nine: CSS 3D Parallax Effects Chapter Ten: Tools Technologies

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