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Learn Android App Development

Learn Android App Development Image

Book Details:

Series: Apress
Author:Wallace Jackson
Published:May 06 2013
Posted:Nov 19 2014
Book format:PDF
Book size:41.01 MB

Book Description:

Learn Android App Development isa hands-ontutorial and useful reference. You'll quickly get up to speed and master the Android SDK and the Java that you need for your Android Apps.The Android SDK offers powerful features, and this book is the fastest path to mastering themand the rest of the Andorid SDKfor programmers with some experience who are new to Android smartphone and tablet apps development. Many books introduce the Android SDK, but very few explain how to develop apps optimally. This book teaches both core Java language concepts and how to wisely but rapidly employ the design patterns and logic using the Android SDK, which is based on Java APIs.You'll also learn best practices that ensure your code will be efficient and perform well. Get an accelerated but complete enough treatment of the fundamentals of Java necessary to get you started. Design your first app using prototyping and other design methods. Build your first Android app using the code given over the course of the book. Finally, debug and distribute your first app on Google Play or other Android app store. After reading this book, you'll have your first app ready and on the app store, earning you the prestige and the money you seek. What youll learn How to get a quick start to learning Android to build your first Android app How the Android development process works and what is the usual workflow How to design an Android app User Interface (UI) How to add interactivity and functionality to your Android appsWho this book is for This book is for those who have some programming experience but who are new to the Android mobile platform. This book is ideal for those who may be coming from iOS programming/development to learn about this other most popular mobile platform, Android. Table of Contents Building Your Android Software Development Environment Exploring Android App Development: Building Your First Hello World App using the Lingo A Java for Android Primer: Enhancing our Hello World Application Designing User Interface Layouts via Android ViewGroup and Activity Classes Using Intents and Events to make an Android Application Interactive Populating a UI Design with Android Widgets via Androids View Class Introduction to Graphics Design in Android: Concepts and Techniques Compositing in Android: Advanced Graphical User Interface Design Android Image Animation: Frame Animation Using XML Constructs Android Vector Animation: Procedural Animation via XML Constructs An Introduction to Digital Video: Video Concepts and Data Optimization Playing Digital Video in Android Apps using the Android VideoView Class An Introduction to Digital Audio: Audio Concepts and Data Optimization Playing Digital Audio in Android Apps using the Android MediaPlayer Class Audio Sequencing for Android Apps using the Android SoundPool Class Using Services to make your Android Application Functional Using Broadcast Receivers to allow an Android Application to Communicate Using Intents to Invoke Android Inter-Application Programming Using Androids SQLite Class to store and access Custom Data Appendix A

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