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Scaling MongoDB

Scaling MongoDB Image

Book Details:

Publisher:O'Reilly Media
Series: OReilly
Author:Kristina Chodorow
Published:Mar 07 2011
Posted:Nov 19 2014
Book format:PDF
Book size:1.62 MB

Book Description:

Create a MongoDb cluster that will grow to meet the needs of your application. With this short and concise book, you'll get guidelines for setting up and using clusters to store a large volume of data, and learn how to access the data efficiently. In the process, you'll understand how to make your application work with a distributed database system. Scaling MongoDb will help you: Set up a MongoDb cluster through sharding Work with a cluster to query and update data Operate, monitor, and backup your cluster Plan your application to deal with outages By following the advice in this book, you'll be well on your way to building and running an efficient, predictable distributed system using MongoDb.

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