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Data Push Apps with HTML5 SSE

Pragmatic Solutions for Real-World Clients

Data Push Apps with HTML5 SSE Image

Book Details:

Publisher:O'Reilly Media
Series: OReilly , Solutions
Author:Darren Cook
Published:Apr 07 2014
Posted:Nov 19 2014
Book format:PDF
Book size:10.22 MB

Book Description:

Make sure your website or web application users get content updates right now with minimal latency. This concise guide shows you how to push new data from the server to clients with HTML5 Server-Sent Events (SSE), an exceptional technology that doesn't require constant polling or user interaction. You'll learn how to build a real-world SSE application from start to finish that solves a demanding domain problem.You'll also discover how to increase that application's desktop and mobile browser support from 60% to 99%, using different fallback solutions. If you're familiar with HTML, HTTP, and basic JavaScript, you're ready to get started.Determine whether SSE, WebSockets, or data pull is best for your organizationDevelop a working SSE application complete with backend and frontend solutionsAddress error handling, system recovery, and other issues to make the application production-qualityExplore two fallback solutions for browsers that don't support SSETackle security issues, including authorization and "disallowed origin"Develop realistic, repeatable data that's useful in test-driven SSE designLearn SSE protocol elements not covered in the example application

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