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Vertex & Pixel Shader Tips and Techniques

Direct3D SHADERX Image

Book Details:

Publisher:Wordware Publishing, Inc.
Series: Jones and Bartlett
Author:Wolfgang F. Engel
Published:Jun 25 1996
Posted:Nov 19 2014
Book format:PDF
Book size:8.33 MB

Book Description:

Focusing on Direct3D 8.x, this book shows a wide array of specialized vertex and pixel shader programming tricks from industry experts. Vertex and pixel shader programming allows graphics and game developers to create photorealistic graphics on the personal computer for the first time. And with DirectX, programmers have access to an assembly language interface to the transformation and lighting hardware (vertex shaders) and the pixel pipeline (pixel shaders). This book begins with an introduction to vertex and pixel shader programming and moves on to a wide array of specialised shader tricks contributed by 27 experts in game and graphics programming. These range from character animation and lighting to photorealistic faces and non-photorealistic rendering. Special effects shaders are also presented, including those for such effects as bubbles, rippling water, animated grass, and particle flows.

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