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A Programmer's Companion to Algorithm Analysis

A Programmer's Companion to Algorithm Analysis Image

Book Details:

Publisher:Chapman and Hall/CRC
Series: CRC Press
Author:Ernst L. Leiss
Published:Sep 26 2006
Posted:Nov 19 2014
Book format:PDF
Book size:3.66 MB

Book Description:

Until now, no other book examined the gap between the theory of algorithms and the production of software programs. Focusing on practical issues, A Programmer's Companion to Algorithm Analysis carefully details the transition from the design and analysis of an algorithm to the resulting software program. Consisting of two main complementary parts, the book emphasizes the concrete aspects of translating an algorithm into software that should perform based on what the algorithm analysis indicated. In the first part, the author describes the idealized universe that algorithm designers inhabit while the second part outlines how this ideal can be adapted to the real world of programming. The book explores analysis techniques, including crossover points, the influence of the memory hierarchy, implications of programming language aspects, such as recursion, and problems arising from excessively high computational complexities of solution methods. It concludes with four appendices that discuss basic algorithms; memory hierarchy, virtual memory management, optimizing compilers, and garbage collection; NP-completeness and higher complexity classes; and undecidability in practical terms.Applying the theory of algorithms to the production of software, A Programmer's Companion to Algorithm Analysis fulfills the needs of software programmers and developers as well as students by showing that with the correct algorithm, you can achieve a functional software program.

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