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Comet and Reverse Ajax

The Next-Generation Ajax 2.0

Comet and Reverse Ajax Image

Book Details:

Series: Apress
Author:Phil McCarthy
Published:Oct 13 2008
Posted:Nov 19 2014
Book format:PDF
Book size:12.37 MB

Book Description:

One of the most basic laws of a web application is that the client, not the server, must initiate any communication between the two. There are a number of commonuse cases where, ideally, the server would like to talk to the clientdashboards and monitoring apps, chat rooms and other collaborations, and progress reports on longrunning processes. Comet (a.k.a. Reverse Ajax) provides a mechanism for enabling this. Comet is moderately complex to implement. But this practical, handson book gets you going. In Part 1 of this book, we start by examining the use cases, and look at the simple alternatives to Comet and how far they can satisfy your needs. In some situations, though, only Comet will do. In Part 2, we demonstrate how to set up and run a Cometbased application. With this book, be a part of the next generation, Ajax 2.0. What youll learn Find out what Comet is and the trouble with HTTP See how to achieve push, polling, piggybacking, raw sockets, and more Explore some common use cases and a worked example on "magnetic poetry." Understand what some issues and techniques are including the tworequest limit, pubsub and server architectures, and continuations vs. native Comet Use implementations of Comet, including Cometd/Bayeaux, Reverse Ajax in DWR, and more Work through the final example using DWR Framework Who this book is for This firstPress title is for Ajax developers who are intrigued by Comet/Reverse Ajax, key to the next generation Ajax 2.0.

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