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Digital Forensics with Open Source Tools

Digital Forensics with Open Source Tools Image

Book Details:

Series: Syngress
Author:Cory Altheide
Published:Apr 28 2011
Posted:Nov 19 2014
Book format:PDF
Book size:4.38 MB

Book Description:

Digital Forensics with Open Source Tools is the definitive book on investigating and analyzing computer systems and media using open source tools. The book is a technical procedural guide, and explains the use of these tools on Linux and Windows systems as a platform for performing computer forensics. Both well known and novel forensic methods are demonstrated using command-line and graphical open source computer forensic tools for examining a wide range of target systems and artifacts.Written by world-renowned forensic practitioners Details core concepts and techniques of forensic file system analysisCovers analysis of artifacts from the Windows, Mac, and Linux operating systems

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