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Mastering Ninject for Dependency Injection

Mastering Ninject for Dependency Injection Image

Book Details:

Publisher:Packt Publishing
Series: Packt , Mastering
Author:Daniel Baharestani
Published:Sep 25 2013
Posted:Nov 19 2014
Book format:PDF
Book size:0.88 MB

Book Description:

Learn how Ninject facilitates the implementation of dependency injection to solve common design problems of real-life applications Overview Create loosely coupled applications by implementing dependency injection using Ninject Learn how to design an enterprise application so as to maximize its maintainability, extensibility and testability Automate the process of dealing with the dependencies of your application and object lifetimes Address the cross-cutting concerns of your applications in the easiest way Full of real-life, step-by-step examples and clear code samples In Detail Dependency injection is an approach to creating loosely coupled applications. Maintainability, testability, and extensibility are just a few advantages of loose coupling. Ninject is a software library which automates almost everything that we need in order to implement a dependency injection pattern. Mastering Ninject for Dependency Injection will teach you everything you need to know in order to implement dependency injection using Ninject in a real-life project. Not only does it teach you about Ninject core framework features that are essential for implementing dependency injection, but it also explores the power of Ninjects most useful extensions and demonstrates how to apply them. Mastering Ninject for Dependency Injection starts by introducing you to dependency injection and what its meant for with the help of sufficient examples. Eventually, youll learn how to integrate Ninject into your practical project and how to use its basic features. Also, you will go through scenarios wherein advanced features of Ninject, such as Multi-binding, Contextual binding, providers, factories and so on, come into play. As you progress, Mastering Ninject for Dependency Injection will show you how to create a multilayer application that demonstrates the use of Ninject on different application types such as MVC, WPF, WCF, and so on. Finally, you will learn the benefits of using the powerful extensions of Ninject. What you will learn from this book Understand dependency injection, how it is different from similar patterns such as inversion of control, and the problems that it addresses Set up Ninject in an application and configure it either using XML or programmatically Learn how to control object life-time by configuring object scopes Wire up abstract service types to concrete implementations using bindings Create plugins to add new features to compiled applications dynamically Use Ninject in different application types such as Win Forms, Web Forms, WPF, Silverlight, ASP.NET MVC, and WCF Inject common loggers such as log4net and NLog automatically into application components Test application units and automate the injection of mock objects by integrating Ninject with common mock frameworks (for example Moq or Rhino Mock) Register hundreds of bindings in a single line of code using the Convention configuration Inject the implementation of cross-cutting concerns such as logging, exception handling, or caching by interception Approach Mastering Ninject for Dependency Injection teaches you the most powerful concepts of Ninject in a simple and easy-to-understand format using lots of practical examples, diagrams, and illustrations.

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