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jQuery 2.0 Animation Techniques

Beginner's Guide

jQuery 2.0 Animation Techniques Image

Book Details:

Publisher:Packt Publishing
Series: Packt , Beginner's Guide
Author:Dan Wellman
Published:Dec 24 2013
Posted:Nov 19 2014
Book format:PDF
Book size:5.76 MB

Book Description:

Bring your websites to life with animations using jQuery Overview Get going with jQuery's animation methods and build a toolkit of ready-to-use animations using jQuery 2.0 Over 50 detailed examples on different types of web page animations Create both simple and complex animations using clear, step-by-step instructions, accompanied with screenshots In Detail jQuery is a cross-browser JavaScript library designed to simplify the client-side scripting of HTML, and is the most popular JavaScript library in use today. Using the features offered by jQuery, developers are able to create dynamic web pages. jQuery empowers you with creating simple as well as complex animations. jQuery 2.0 Animation Techniques Beginner's Guide will teach you to understand animation in jQuery to produce slick and attractive interfaces that respond to your visitors' interactions. You will learn everything you need to know about creating engaging and effective web page animations using jQuery. In jQuery 2.0 Animation Techniques Beginner's Guide, each chapter starts with simple concepts that enable you to build, style, and code your way into creating beautifully engaging and interactive user interfaces. With the use of wide range of examples, this book will teach you how to create a range of animations, from subtle UI effects (such as form validation animation and image resizing) to completely custom plugins (such as image slideshows and parallax background animations). The book provides various examples that gradually build up your knowledge and practical experience in using the jQuery API to create stunning animations. The book uses many examples and explains how to create animations using an easy and step-by-step approach. What you will learn from this book Create custom animations using jQuery's animate() method Fade, hide, shrink, and slide your animations using jQuery's built-in animation helper methods Implement subtle UI effects, user-triggered animations and full-page feature animations to animate the user interface of your web applications Make your background images come to life with movement and animation Create an automatic slider animation with just a few lines of code Discover parallax animations and how they can be used in your web projects Simulate animation in a variety of ways using other non-animation-specific jQuery methods Get your images scrolling in a certain direction, and at a certain speed, depending on the movements of the mouse pointer Approach This book is a guide to help you create attractive web page animations using jQuery. Written in a friendly and engaging approach this book is designed to be placed alongside your computer as a mentor. Who this book is written for If you are a web designer or a frontend developer or if you want to learn how to animate the user interface of your web applications with jQuery, this book is for you. Experience with jQuery or Javascript would be helpful but solid knowledge base of HTML and CSS is assumed.

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