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Rails Recipes

Rails 3 Edition

2nd Edition
Rails Recipes Image

Book Details:

Publisher:Pragmatic Bookshelf
Series: Pragmatic Bookshelf
Author:Chad Fowler
Published:Apr 10 2012
Posted:Nov 19 2014
Book format:PDF
Book size:6.16 MB

Book Description:

Thousands of developers have used the first edition of Rails Recipes to solve problems known to stop even experienced programmers in their tracks. Now, five years later with Rails 3.1 released, it's time for a new edition of this tested collection of solutions, completely revised by Rails master Chad Fowler. Written for novice to intermediate Rails developers, Rails Recipes: Rails 3 Edition is packed with solutions to 70 of the most vexing problems you're likely to face on the job. From building custom forms and powering pages with JQuery to integrating with legacy databases, it's all here. Each recipe has been updated to reflect the latest features of Rails 3.1 and each lays out a distinctive solution to a problem you may be facing today or could well encounter tomorrow. In addition, you'll find half the book is stocked with new eye-opening solutions to such common problems as how to extend Rails, test and deploy your sites, or add a web service to your actions. And each recipe not only lays out a succinct solution, but explains its rationale and the technologies that make it work. Loaded with the insights of a Rails community leader, members of the Rails core team and other experts, this is the book you'll want to have at your side as you craft your next project. What You Need: Ruby 1.8.7 or above Rails 3.1 or above

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