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A Random Walk Through Fractal Dimensions

2nd Edition
A Random Walk Through Fractal Dimensions Image

Book Details:

Series: Wiley
Author:Brian H. Kaye
Published:May 10 1994
Posted:Nov 19 2014
Book format:PDF
Book size:38.06 MB

Book Description:

Fractal geometry is revolutionizing the descriptive mathematics of applied materials systems. Rather than presenting a mathematical treatise, Brian Kaye demonstrates the power of fractal geometry in describing materials ranging from Swiss cheese to pyrolytic graphite. Written from a practical point of view, the author assiduously avoids the use of equations while introducing the reader to numerous interesting and challenging problems in subject areas ranging from geography to fine particle science. The second edition of this successful book provides up-to-date literature coverage of the use of fractal geometry in all areas of science.From reviews of the first edition:'...no stone is left unturned in the quest for applications of fractal geometry to fine particle problems....This book should provide hours of enjoyable reading to those wishing to become acquainted with the ideas of fractal geometry as applied to practical materials problems.' MRS Bulletin

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