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Problems & Solutions in Quantum Computing & Quantum Information

Problems & Solutions in Quantum Computing & Quantum Information Image

Book Details:

Publisher:World Scientific Pub Co Inc
Series: World Scientific , Solutions
Author:W.H. Steeb
Published:Jul 12 2004
Posted:Nov 19 2014
Book format:PDF
Book size:9.73 MB

Book Description:

Quantum computing and quantum information are two of the fastest-growing and most exciting research areas in physics. The possibilities of using non-local behaviour of quantum mechanics to factorize integers in random polynomial time have added to this new interest. This invaluable book provides a collection of problems in quantum computing and quantum information together with detailed solutions. It consists of two parts: in the first part finite-dimensional systems are considered, while the second part deals with finite-dimensional systems. All the important concepts and topics are included, such as quantum gates and quantum circuits, entanglement, teleportation, Bell states, Bell inequality, Schmidt decomposition, quantum Fourier transform, magic gates, von Neumann entropy quantum cryptography, quantum error correction, coherent states, squeezed states, POVM measurement, beam splitter and Kerr-Hamilton operator. The topics range in difficulty from elementary o advanced. Almost all of the problems are solved in detail and most of them are self-contained. All relevant definitions are given. Students can learn from this book important principles and strategies required for problem solving. Teachers will find it useful as a supplement, since important concepts and techniques are developed through the problems. It can also be used as a text or a supplement for linear and multilinear algebra or matrix theory.

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