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Designing Forms for SharePoint and InfoPath

Using InfoPath Designer 2010
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Together, InfoPath 2010 and Microsoft SharePoint Designer 2010 make it possible to create end-to-end solutions that combine powerful forms, enterprise-scale workflow, and access to key business data. Now, building on the valuable content from their previous InfoPath book, three Microsoft experts offer a complete introduction to building the forms that drive these solutions. Designing Forms for SharePoint and InfoPath combines deep knowledge of InfoPath, new insights into SharePoint development, and an insider's view of new InfoPath features for building more powerful SharePoint applications. Ideal for information workers, power users, and experienced form designers and developers, this book teaches new techniques through downloadable examples, i...

Test-Driven JavaScript Development

Test-Driven JavaScript Development Image
For JavaScript developers working on increasingly large and complex projects, effective automated testing is crucial to success. Test-Driven JavaScript Development is a complete, best-practice guide to agile JavaScript testing and quality assurance with the test-driven development (TDD) methodology. Leading agile JavaScript developer Christian Johansen covers all aspects of applying state-of-the-art automated testing in JavaScript environments, walking readers through the entire development lifecycle, from project launch to application deployment, and beyond. Using real-life examples driven by unit tests, Johansen shows how to use TDD to gain greater confidence in your code base, so you can fearlessly refactor and build more robust, maintainable, ...

Programming in Python 3

A Complete Introduction to the Python Language
Programming in Python 3 Image
2nd Edition
A Fully Revised Edition Featuring New Material on Coroutines, Debugging, Testing, Parsing, String Formatting, and More Python 3 is the best version of the language yet: It is more powerful, convenient, consistent, and expressive than ever before. Now, leading Python programmer Mark Summerfield demonstrates how to write code that takes full advantage of Python 3's features and idioms. Programming in Python 3, Second Edition, brings together all the knowledge you need to write any program, use any standard or third-party Python 3 library, and create new library modules of your own. Summerfield draws on his many years of Python experience to share deep...

Learning iOS Game Programming

A Hands-On Guide to Building Your First iPhone Game
Learning iOS Game Programming Image
Get Started Fast with iOS Game Programming Since the launch of the App Store, games have been the hottest category of apps for the iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad. That means your best chance of tapping into the iPhone/iPad 'Gold Rush' is to put out a killer game that everyone wants to play (and talk about). While many people think games are hard to build, they can actually be quite easy, and Learning iOS Game Programming is your perfect beginner's guide. Michael Daley walks you through every step as you build a killer 2D game for the iPhone. In Learning iOS Game Programming, you'll learn how to build a 2D tile map game, Sir Lamorak's Quest: The Spell of Release (which is free in the App Store). You can download and play the game you're going to bui...

Windows Server 2008 Portable Command Guide

MCTS 70-640, 70-642, 70-643, and MCITP 70-646, 70-647
Windows Server 2008 Portable Command Guide Image
Windows Server 2008 Portable Command Guide MCTS 70-640, 70-642, 70-643, and MCITP 70-646, 70-647 Darril Gibson All the MCTS 70-640, 70-642, 70-643, and MCITP 70-646, 70-647 Commands in One Compact, Portable Resource Maximize your efficiency as a Windows Server 2008 administrator, and master the commands, keywords, command arguments, options, and prompts covered on Microsoft's MCTS 70-640, MCTS 70-642, MCTS 70-643, MCITP 70-646, and MCITP 70-647 exams! This easy, handy reference brings together all the techniques, tips, tools, and examples you'll need. It's your perfect take-anywhere guide to running Windows Server 2008 and R2 environments-and passing Microsoft's five key Windows Server 2008 administration exams. Covers all the commands you need t...

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