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Android Wireless Application Development

Volume 2, Advanced Topics
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3rd Edition
Android Wireless Application Development has earned a reputation as the most useful real-world guide to building robust, commercial-grade Android apps. Now, authors Lauren Darcey and Shane Conder have systematically revised and updated this guide for the latest Android SDK and tools updates. To accommodate their extensive new coverage, they've split the book into two leaner, cleaner volumes. This Volume II focuses on advanced techniques for the entire app development cycle, including design, coding, testing, debugging, and distribution. Darcey and Conder cover hot topics ranging from tablet development to protecting against piracy and demonstrate advan...

Hack I.T.

Security Through Penetration Testing
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"This book covers not just the glamorous aspects such as the intrusion act itself, but all of the pitfalls, contracts, clauses, and other gotchas that can occur. The authors have taken their years of trial and error, as well as experience, and documented a previously unknown black art." --From the Foreword by Simple Nomad, Senior Security Analyst, BindView RAZOR Team Penetration testing--in which professional, "white hat" hackers attempt to break through an organization's security defenses--has become a key defense weapon in today's information systems security arsenal. Through penetration testing, I.T. and security professionals can take action to prevent true "black hat" hackers from compromising systems and exploiting...

Software Fortresses

Modeling Enterprise Architectures
Software Fortresses Image
While UML is very effective at modeling software systems, it is deficient in its ability to help practitioners understand how software systems interact -- this is where the software fortress model picks up. The vendor-independent software fortress model treats enterprise systems as a series of self-contained software fortresses. Each fortress makes its own choices as to software platform and data storage mechanisms, and interacts with other fortresses through carefully crafted treaties. This unique approach simplifies the enterprise. It helps the software professional truly understand how systems interact. This book defines, clarifies, and explains the basics of software fortresses. The author believes this new approach will grow in popularity and ev...

Defend I.T.

Security by Example
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"Ajay and Scott take an interesting approach in filling Defend I.T. with case studies and using them to demonstrate important security principles. This approach works well and is particularly valuable in the security space, where companies and consultants are often hesitant to discuss true security incidents for potential embarrassment and confidentiality reasons. Defend I.T. is full of engaging stories and is a good read." --Fyodor, author of the Nmap Security Scanner and Insecure.Org "Defend I.T. answers reader demand for scenario-driven examples. Security professionals will be able to look at these case studies and relate them to their own experiences. That sets this book apart." --Lance Hayden, Cisco Systems "This is an e...

Learning Android Game Programming

A Hands-On Guide to Building Your First Android Game
Learning Android Game Programming Image
Build the Next Great Android Game! Learning Android Game Programming is your hands-on, start-to-finish guide to creating winning games for today's rapidly growing Android mobile device marketplace. If you have even basic Android development experience, Rick Rogers will help you build on your knowledge to quickly create low-budget 2D mobile games that sell. The book starts with an up-to-the-minute overview of today's Android mobile games marketplace, reviews each leading genre, and teaches you the foundational concepts of game development. You'll design a simple game, then master every step of game development with AndEngine-the powerful, open source, free game-development engine. Every chapter teaches with sample code you can actually use, in...

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