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The iOS 5 Developer's Cookbook

Core Concepts and Essential Recipes for iOS Programmers
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3rd Edition
The iOS 5 Developer's Cookbook, Third Edition covers iOS 5, Xcode 4.2, Objective-C 2.0's ARC, LLVM, and more! In this book, bestselling author and iOS development guru Erica Sadun brings together all the information you need to quickly start building successful iOS apps for iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch. Sadun has thoroughly revised this book to focus on powerful new iOS 5 features, the latest version of Objective-C, and the Xcode 4 development tools. The iOS 5 Developer's Cookbook, Third Edition is packed with ready-made code solutions for the iOS 5 development challenges you're most likely to face, eliminating trial-and-error and helping you bui...

The Guru's Guide to SQL Server Architecture and Internals

The Guru's Guide to SQL Server Architecture and Internals Image
Ken Henderson's first two Guru's Guides for Addison-Wesley have beenwidely praised by reviewers, and have sold extremely well. He has now writtena key reference to SQL Server which is much broader in scope than either ofthe first two, which will appeal to an even larger audience. The Guru's Guide toSQL Server Architecture is all about the internal pieces of SQL Server, thearchitecture of how they fit together, and the effect those have on performanceand tuning issues. Not only will the book cover issues such as the newNotification Services which have not been covered in any other book, but itwill also go into more detail than any other book on the core SQL Servertechnologies. This new book will take its place next to his two previous bookson the shel...

The Essence of Object-Oriented Programming with Java and UML

The Essence of Object-Oriented Programming with Java and UML Image
This book can give any Java developer -- regardless of experience -- the firm foundation they need to achieve the full benefits of object-oriented programming. The book combines practical introductions to UML, object-oriented methodologies, design patterns, libraries, and frameworks -- giving developers all the skills they need to begin writing robust object-oriented programs -- and to tackle the entire field of object-oriented development. Leading developer Bruce Wampler begins with a brief introduction to objects and their benefits; then introduces the fundamental concepts of object orientation and shows how they can be implemented in Java -- starting with the basics, and moving on to advanced topics such as object lifetime and copies of objects. H...

The .NET Developer's Guide to Windows Security

The .NET Developer's Guide to Windows Security Image
"As usual, Keith masterfully explains complex security issues in down-to-earth and easy-to-understand language. I bet you'll reach for this book often when building your next software application." --Michael Howard, coauthor, Writing Secure Code "When it comes to teaching Windows security, Keith Brown is 'The Man.' In The .NET Developer's Guide to Windows Security, Keith has written a book that explains the key security concepts of Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP, and Windows Server 2003, and teaches you both how to apply them and how to implement them in C# code. By organizing his material into short, clear snippets, Brown has made a complicated subject highly accessible." --Martin Heller, senior contributing editor at B...

The .NET Developer's Guide to Directory Services Programming

The .NET Developer's Guide to Directory Services Programming Image
'If you have any interest in writing .NET programs using Active Directory or ADAM, this is the book you want to read. Joe Richards, Microsoft MVP, directory services Identity and Access Management are rapidly gaining importance as key areas of practice in the IT industry, and directory services provide the fundamental building blocks that enable them. For enterprise developers struggling to build directory-enabled .NET applications, The .NET Developer's Guide to Directory Services Programming will come as a welcome aid. Microsoft MVPs Joe Kaplan and Ryan Dunn have written a practical introduction to programming directory services, using both versions 1.1 and 2.0 of the .NET Framework. The extensive examples in the book are in C#; a companion Web s...

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