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Apr 15 2016 Added eBooks Page 2

Download free Apr 15 2016 Added eBooks Page 2

Pro JavaScript Techniques

Pro JavaScript Techniques Image
2nd Edition
Pro JavaScript Techniques is the ultimate JavaScript book for today's web developer. It provides everything you need to know about modern JavaScript, and teaches you what JavaScript can do for your web sites. This book doesn't waste any time looking at things you already know, but instead concentrates on fundamental, vital topics-what modern JavaScripting is (and isn't), and pitfalls to be wary of.You will learn about the 'this' keyword, as well as new object tools. You will be able to create reusable code with encapsulation, overloading and inheritance. The most recent techniques for debugging and testing are covered comprehensively, with information ...

Continuous Delivery with Visual Studio ALM 2015

Continuous Delivery with Visual Studio ALM  2015 Image
This book is the authoritative source on implementing Continuous Delivery practices using Microsofts Visual Studio and TFS 2015. Microsoft MVP authors Mathias Olausson and Jakob Ehn translate the theory behind this methodology and show step by step how to implement Continuous Delivery in a real world environment.Building good software is challenging. Building high-quality software on a tight schedule can be close to impossible. Continuous Delivery is an agile and iterative technique that enables developers to deliver solid, working software in every iteration. Continuous delivery practices help IT organizations reduce risk and potentially become as nimble, agile, and innovative as startups.In this book, you'll learn: What Continuous Deliver...

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