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Apr 28 2017 Added eBooks Page 2

Download free Apr 28 2017 Added eBooks Page 2

Integrating Python with Leading Computer Forensics Platforms

Integrating Python with Leading Computer Forensics Platforms Image
Integrating Python with Leading Computer Forensic Platforms takes a definitive look at how and why the integration of Python advances the field of digital forensics. In addition, the book includes practical, never seen Python examples that can be immediately put to use. Noted author Chet Hosmer demonstrates how to extend four key Forensic Platforms using Python, including EnCase by Guidance Software, MPE+ by AccessData, The Open Source Autopsy/SleuthKit by Brian Carrier and WetStone Technologies, and Live Acquisition and Triage Tool US-LATT. This book is for practitioners, forensic investigators, educators, students, private investigators, or anyone advancing digital forensics for investigating cybercrime. Additionally, the open source availability o...

The Basics of Web Hacking

Tools and Techniques to Attack the Web
The Basics of Web Hacking Image
The Basics of Web Hacking introduces you to a tool-driven process to identify the most widespread vulnerabilities in Web applications. No prior experience is needed. Web apps are a "path of least resistance" that can be exploited to cause the most damage to a system, with the lowest hurdles to overcome. This is a perfect storm for beginning hackers. The process set forth in this book introduces not only the theory and practical information related to these vulnerabilities, but also the detailed configuration and usage of widely available tools necessary to exploit these vulnerabilities. The Basics of Web Hacking provides a simple and clean explanation of how to utilize tools such as Burp Suite, sqlmap, and Zed Attack Proxy (ZAP), as well as...

Big Data Analytics Strategies for the Smart Grid

Big Data Analytics Strategies for the Smart Grid Image
By implementing a comprehensive data analytics program, utility companies can meet the continually evolving challenges of modern grids that are operationally efficient, while reconciling the demands of greenhouse gas legislation and establishing a meaningful return on investment from smart grid deployments.Readable and accessible, Big Data Analytics Strategies for the Smart Grid addresses the needs of applying big data technologies and approaches, including Big Data cybersecurity, to the critical infrastructure that makes up the electrical utility grid. It supplies industry stakeholders with an in-depth understanding of the engineering, business, and customer domains within the power delivery market.The book explores the unique needs of electrical ut...

Designing Efficient BPM Applications

Designing Efficient BPM Applications Image
Every business uses business processes. These are the everyday tasks you do to obtain and keep customers, maintain a competitive edge, and stay profitable. They are also the tasks that keep the lights on, the coffee machine filled, your phones connected, your payroll run, and your bills sent. Using an example that is familiar to all businesses, this book shows how to easily automate it and turn it into a process-based application.This step-by-step approach, with hands-on examples, leads you through the creation of an online process that is easy to use. With an efficient and repeatable process, you'll save time and money, so you can concentrate on what your business is really about.Provides a step-by-step approach to designing a business process from ...

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