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Interference Analysis and Reduction

For Wireless Systems
Interference Analysis and Reduction Image
This resource shows professionals how to analyze interference signals and provides them with modern tools and techniques they can use in real-world applications to help guarantee optimum system performance. Hands-on details are provided to help practitioners categorise and quantify interference agents in communications; identify design parameters of wireless systems which affect and can be affected by interference; design and develop quality metrics of wireless systems in an interference environment; develop new interference suppression and mitigation techniques; and design practical interference cancellers for wireless systems....

Gigabit Ethernet Technology and Applications

Gigabit Ethernet Technology and Applications Image
In a few short years, the Ethernet has evolved from a local to a total area networking technology. This volume explains the technical details of the main Ethernet family members, starting with the familiar 10Base-T, through Fast Ethernet, to the latest Gigabit Ethernet and wireless variants. The applications that can now be supported on a uniform network technology are explained: the way in which Ethernet promises to capture the wide area, mobile data and storage markets is discussed in some detail, with business issues as well as technical issues being highlighted. In summary, this text shows how the Ethernet can be used as a network technology for all purposes....

GSM Networks

Protocols, Terminology and Implementation
GSM Networks Image
This text offers a comprehensive treatment of the entire GSM network and the signalling methods of its terrestrial interfaces. It introduces all the interfaces between the GSM subsystems, starting with the Abis- and Air-Interface and continuing on to VLRs, HLRs and MSCs within the NSS. The reader learns about the various signalling standards or methods used in GSM, including TCAP and MAP, and how to apply this knowledge when working with GSM networks. The glossary explains abbreviations, terms, parameters, counters and messages frequently encountered when working with GSM. In addition, it features numerous figures, tables, lists, statistical formulas, real-life examples and everyday comparisons....

GSM and Personal Communications Handbook

GSM and Personal Communications Handbook Image
The most comprehensive reference available on GSM applications and services, this new title is intended to build on the basic technical information in the authors' original bestseller, An Introduction to GSM (Artech House, 1995). The book provides a close-up look at this hot technology, offers in-depth discussions of the features and services available through GSM, and includes new and more in-depth coverage of applications and implementations of the GSM standard. It also explains how GSM has succeeded in becoming the major digital wireless standard - and addresses both past and future standardization, regulation, and development issues....

GPRS for Mobile Internet

GPRS for Mobile Internet Image
A comprehensive, in-depth presentation of GPRS (general packet radio service). It is designed to help practitioners understand how this system is used as a major building block technology for the emerging mobile Internet. It explores the most critical aspects of GPRS in great detail, and aims to offer a real-world understanding of the inevitable implementation challenges engineers will face in the field. After a general overview of the GSM (global system for mobile communication) and GPRS systems, the text provides detailed coverage of a wide range of critical topics, including the radio interface, Gb interface, signalling plane, user plane and RLC (radio link control) principles. Case studies throughout present simple approaches to implementation pr...

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