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Danny Goodman eBooks

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Learning the iOS 4 SDK for JavaScript Programmers

Create Native Apps with Objective-C and Xcode
Learning the iOS 4 SDK for JavaScript Programmers Image
Is it possible for JavaScript programmers to learn Apple's iOS 4 SDK and live to tell the tale? Technology guru Danny Goodman did, and with this book he leaves a well-marked trail for you to follow. An authority on JavaScript since its inception, Goodman understands the challenges you might face in creating native iOS apps with this SDK, and introduces Xcode, Objective-C, and Cocoa Touch in a context you'll readily understand. Why bother with the SDK when you can simply build web apps for Apple's iOS devices? Web apps can't access an iPhone's music library, camera, or iOS system software for maps, audio, and more. Nor can you sell web apps in the App Store. If you want to take full advantage of the iPhone and iPad, iOS 4 SDK is your tool -- and this ...

JavaScript Bible

JavaScript Bible Image
6th Edition
Make your Web pages stand out above the noise with JavaScript and the expert instruction in this much-anticipated update to the bestselling JavaScript Bible. With renowned JavaScript expert Danny Goodman at your side, you'll get a thorough grounding in JavaScript basics, see how it fits with current Web browsers, and find all the soup-to-nuts detail you'll need. Whether you're a veteran programmer or just starting out, this is the JavaScript book Web developers turn to again and again.Note: CD-ROM/DVD and other supplementary materials are not included as part of eBook file....

JavaScript Bible

JavaScript Bible Image
5th Edition
This new edition of the definitive guide to JavaScript has been revamped to cover the latest browsers, language updates, extensions, and JavaScript standardsPart tutorial and part reference, the book serves as a learning tool for building new JavaScript skills and a detailed reference for seasoned JavaScript developersDanny Goodman's exclusive interactive workbench, The Evaluator, makes it easy to master JavaScript and DOM conceptsOffers deployment strategies that best suit the user's content goals and target audienceBonus CD-ROM is packed with advanced content for the reader who wants to go an extra step...

JavaScript & DHTML Cookbook

JavaScript & DHTML Cookbook Image
2nd Edition
On numerous online forums for JavaScript and DHTML, the majority of questions begin with "How do I...?" This new Cookbook provides the answers. After reading thousands of forum threads over the years, author and scripting pioneer Danny Goodman has compiled a list of problems that frequently vex scripters of various experience levels. He has now applied state-of-the-art ECMA and W3C DOM standards and used best practices to create this extensive collection of practical recipes that can bring your web pages to life.The JavaScript DHTML Cookbook is all about adding value to the content of a web page. The book focuses on practical and sensible ap...

Dynamic HTML

The Definitive Reference
Dynamic HTML Image
2nd Edition
If you're a web developer today, you need to keep track of an enormous amount of information. In particular, you need to know the details about a variety of web specifications and their implementation in the latest versions of the popular browsers. Rather than try to remember all of these details or juggle dozens of reference books covering everything from CSS to JavaScript, you can have all the information at your fingertips with the newly revised Dynamic HTML: The Definitive Reference.A favorite of web content developers since its first release, this book is an indispensable compendium for web development. Dynamic HTML: The Definitive Reference, 2nd ...

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