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Jason Cranford Teague eBooks

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DHTML and CSS Advanced

Visual QuickPro Guide
DHTML and CSS Advanced Image
Once you discovered the dynamic, sophisticated sites you could create using DHTML and CSS, you wanted more--more interaction, more accessibility, more animation, more interesting combinations of text and graphics, more everything! This book provides the key. By picking up where his enormously popular Visual QuickStart Guide left off, best-selling author Jason Cranford Teague explores the advanced DHTML and CSS programming techniques you need to take your Web sites to the next level. Covering everything from standards and accessibility to separating content from style; creating multicolumn layouts; combining text and graphics; creating controls, menus, forms, and special effects; working with other Web languages; and much more, this friendly, task-bas...


Visual QuickStart Guide
CSS3 Image
5th Edition
With CSS3: Visual QuickStart Guide, readers can start with a tour of the stylesheet language, or skip ahead to any chapter of the book to look up specific tasks covering just what they need to know. This task-based, visual reference guide uses step-by-step instructions, and plenty of screenshots to teach beginning and intermediate users CSS. Best-selling author Jason Cranford Teague takes readers through today's CSS essentials and provides extensive coverage of CSS3 and CSS 2.1 techniques. The book outlines what can be done with CSS3 now and how the latest browsers have implemented many of the new features. Both beginning users, who want a thorough int...

Speaking in Styles

Fundamentals of CSS for Web Designers
Speaking in Styles Image
Speaking in Styles aims to help Web designers learn the "language" that will be used to take their vision from the static comp to the live Internet. Many designers think that CSS is code, and that it's too hard to learn. Jason takes an approach to CSS that breaks it down around common design tasks and helps the reader learn that they already think in styles--they just need to learn to speak the language. Jason helps Web designers find their voice, walks them through the grammar of CSS, shows them how to write their design specs in CSS, and how to prepare it for screen, printer or handheld devices. Along the way designers will learn to optimize their code, make it accessible, optimize for search engines, mix it up with Flash, and more....

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