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Trevor Burnham eBooks

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Async JavaScript

Build More Responsive Apps with Less Code
Async JavaScript Image
With the advent of HTML5, front-end MVC, and Node.js, JavaScript is ubiquitous--and still messy. This book will give you a solid foundation for managing async tasks without losing your sanity in a tangle of callbacks. It's a fast-paced guide to the most essential techniques for dealing with async behavior, including PubSub, evented models, and Promises. With these tricks up your sleeve, you'll be better prepared to manage the complexity of large web apps and deliver responsive code. With Async JavaScript, you'll develop a deeper understanding of the JavaScript language. You'll start with a ground-up primer on the JavaScript event model--key to avoiding many of the most common mistakes JavaScripters make. From there you'll see tools and design pattern...


Accelerated JavaScript Development
CoffeeScript Image
For 15 years, dynamic web content has been written in a single language: JavaScript. Now, for the first time, programmers have an alternative that doesn't add an extra layer of abstraction or require plugins. CoffeeScript provides all of JavaScript's functionality wrapped in a cleaner, more succinct syntax that encourages use of "the good parts" of the language.CoffeeScript: Accelerated JavaScript Developmentis aimed at programmers who want to get a grip on this new language while improving their understanding of JavaScript. You'll learn about time-saving features like list comprehensions and splats, organize your code into modules with extensible classes, and get your feet wet with jQuery by building a fast-paced word game.The book also in...

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