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Bruce Potter eBooks

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OS X for Hackers at Heart

OS X for Hackers at Heart Image
The sexy, elegant design of the Apple PowerBook combined with the Unix-like OS X operating system based on FreeBSD, have once again made OS X the Apple of every hacker's eye. In this unique and engaging book covering the brand new OS X 10.4 Tiger, the world's foremost "true hackers unleash the power of OS X for everything form cutting edge research and development to just plain old fun. OS X 10.4 Tiger is a major upgrade for Mac OS X for running Apple's Macintosh computers and laptops. This book is not a reference to every feature and menu item for OS X. Rather, it teaches hackers of all types from software developers to security professionals to hobbyists, how to use the most powerful (and often obscure) features of OS X for wireless networking...

802.11 Security

802.11 Security Image
Mention wireless networks, and the question of security will soon follow. It's not surprising that in spite of compelling business arguments for going wireless, many companies are holding back because of security concerns. But, while it's true that wireless networks create security issues that don't exist in wired networks, the issues are not insurmountable. 802.11 Security shows how you can plan for and successfully contend with security obstacles in your wireless deployment. This authoritative book not only explains the security issues, but shows you how to design and build a your own secure wireless network.802.11 Security covers the entire process of building secure 802.11-based wireless networks, in particular, the 802.11b ("Wi-Fi") sp...

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