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Matthew A. Russell eBooks

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Mining the Social Web

Mining the Social Web Image
Want to tap the tremendous amount of valuable social data in Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Google+? This refreshed edition helps you discover who';s making connections with social media, what they';re talking about, and where they';re located. You';ll learn how to combine social web data, analysis techniques, and visualization to find what you';ve been looking for in the social haystack-as well as useful information you didn';t know existed.Each standalone chapter introduces techniques for mining data in different areas of the social Web, including blogs and email. All you need to get started is a programming background and a willingness to learn basic Python tools.Get a straightforward synopsis of the social web landscapeUse adaptable scripts on ...

Mining the Social Web

Data Mining Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+, GitHub and More
Mining the Social Web Image
2nd Edition
How can you tap into the wealth of social web data to discover who's making connections with whom, what they're talking about, and where they're located? With this expanded and thoroughly revised edition, you'll learn how to acquire, analyze, and summarize data from all corners of the social web, including Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+, GitHub, email, websites, and blogs.Employ the Natural Language Toolkit, NetworkX, and other scientific computing tools to mine popular social web sitesApply advanced text-mining techniques, such as clustering and TF-IDF, to extract meaning from human language dataBootstrap interest graphs from GitHub by discoveri...

21 Recipes for Mining Twitter

21 Recipes for Mining Twitter Image
Millions of public Twitter streams harbor a wealth of data, and once you mine them, you can gain some valuable insights. This short and concise book offers a collection of recipes to help you extract nuggets of Twitter information using easy-to-learn Python tools. Each recipe offers a discussion of how and why the solution works, so you can quickly adapt it to fit your particular needs. The recipes include techniques to: Use Oauth to access Twitter data Create and analyze graphs of retweet relationships Use the streaming Api to harvest tweets in realtime Harvest and analyze friends and followers Discover friendship cliques Summarize webpages from short Urls This book is a perfect companion to O'Reilly's Mining the Social Web....

PayPal APIs

Up and Running
PayPal APIs Image
2nd Edition
If your web application's success depends on how quickly and easily users can make transactions, PayPal APIs provide effective solutions you can't afford to overlook. This concise book takes you hands-on through several options to help you determine the best choice for your situation, whether you're collecting money via websites or mobile apps for products and services, donations, or anything else.In each chapter, you'll work with a different PayPal API by integrating it into the book's sample application, using Python and the Google App Engine framework. This expanded edition introduces two new options: Express Checkout for Digital Goods and Instant P...


The Definitive Guide
Dojo Image
Of all the Ajax-specific frameworks that have popped up in recent years, one clearly stands out as the industrial strength solution. Dojo is not just another JavaScript toolkit -- it's the JavaScript toolkit -- and Dojo: The Definitive Guide demonstrates how to tame Dojo's extensive library of utilities so that you can build rich and responsive web applications like never before. Dojo founder Alex Russell gives a foreword that explains the "why" of Dojo and of this book. Dojo provides an end-to-end solution for development in the browser, including everything from the core JavaScript library and turnkey widgets to build tools and a testing framework. Its vibrant open source community keeps adding to Dojo's arsenal, and this book provides an...

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