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Donald E. Knuth eBooks

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Concrete Mathematics

A Foundation for Computer Science
Concrete Mathematics Image
This book contains more than 500 exercise, divided into six categories: (1) Warmups are execises that every reader shoulr try to do when first reading the material. (2) Basics are exercises to develop facts that are best learned by trying one's own derivation rather that by reading somebody else's. (3) Homework exercises are problems intended to deepen an understanding of material in the current chapter. (4) Exam problems typically involve ideas from two or more chapters simultaneously; they are generally intended for use in take-home exams (not for in-class exams under time pressure). (5) Bonus problems go beyond what an average student of concrete mathematics is expected to handle while taking a course based on this book; they extend the text in in...

The TeXbook

The TeXbook Image
Here is the definitive guide to the use of TeX, written by the system's creator, Donald E. Knuth. TeX represents the state of the art in computer typesetting. It is particularly valuable where the document, article, or book to be produced contains a lot of mathematics, and where the user is concerned about typographic quality. TeX software offers both writers and publishers the opportunity to produce technical text of all kinds, in an attractive form, with the speed and efficiency of a computer system. Novice and expert users alike will gain from The TeXbook the level of information they seek. Knuth warns newcomers away from the more difficult areas, while he entices experienced users with new challenges. The novice need not learn much about TeX to p...

The Art of Computer Programming Volume 3

Sorting and Searching
The Art of Computer Programming Volume 3 Image
2nd Edition
Finally, after a wait of more than thirty-five years, the first part of Volume 4 is at last ready for publication. Check out the boxed set that brings together Volumes 1 - 4A in one elegant case, and offers the purchaser a $50 discount off the price of buying the four volumes individually. The Art of Computer Programming, Volumes 1-4A Boxed Set, 3/e ISBN: 0321751043...

The Art of Computer Programming Volume 2

Seminumerical Algorithms
The Art of Computer Programming Volume 2 Image
3rd Edition
Finally, after a wait of more than thirty-five years, the first part of Volume 4 is at last ready for publication. Check out the boxed set that brings together Volumes 1 - 4A in one elegant case, and offers the purchaser a $50 discount off the price of buying the four volumes individually. The Art of Computer Programming, Volumes 1-4A Boxed Set, 3/e ISBN: 0321751043...

The Art of Computer Programming Volume 1

Fundamental Algorithms
The Art of Computer Programming Volume 1 Image
3rd Edition
The bible of all fundamental algorithms and the work that taught many of today's software developers most of what they know about computer programming. -Byte, September 1995 I can't begin to tell you how many pleasurable hours of study and recreation they have afforded me! I have pored over them in cars, restaurants, at work, at home... and even at a Little League game when my son wasn't in the line-up. -Charles Long If you think you're a really good programmer... read [Knuth's] Art of Computer Programming... You should definitely send me a resume if you can read the whole thing. -Bill Gates It's always a pleasure when a problem is hard enough...

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