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Ellen Siever eBooks

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Linux in a Nutshell

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5th Edition
Over the last few years, Linux has grown both as an operating system and a tool for personal and business use. Simultaneously becoming more user friendly and more powerful as a back-end system, Linux has achieved new plateaus: the newer filesystems have solidified, new commands and tools have appeared and become standard, and the desktop--including new desktop environments--have proved to be viable, stable, and readily accessible to even those who don't consider themselves computer gurus. Whether you're using Linux for personal software projects, for a small office or home office (often termed the SOHO environment), to provide services to a small group...

The Perl CD Bookshelf

Version 4.0
The Perl CD Bookshelf Image
Version 4.0 of O'Reilly's "The Perl CD Bookshelf gives programmers convenient online access to their favorite Perl books, all from their CD-ROM drive. We've updated this best-selling product with electronic versions of six popular books. Included are the second editions of "Perl in a Nutshell, and "Mastering Regular Expressions; the third editions of "Learning Perl and "Programming Perl; and two new titles: "Learning Perl Objects, References, and Modules, and the long-awaited second edition of "Perl Cookbook. A paperback version of "Perl in a Nutshell rounds out this incredible package. It also includes valuable content straight from the O'Reilly Network. Formatted in HTML, "The Perl CD Bookshelf, Version...

Perl in a Nutshell

Perl in a Nutshell Image
Perl in a Nutshell is a comprehensive reference guide to the Perl programming language. This book covers all the core features of the language. It ranges widely through the Perl programmer's universe, gathering together in convenient form a wealth of information about Perl itself and its application to CGI scripts, network programming, database interaction, and graphical user interfaces. It also gives detailed coverage about using Perl within a Win32 environment.This book assembles more information about the language in one place than any other reference work. Here are just some of the topics covered in the book: Basic language reference Introduction to using Perl modules Perl and CGI: CGI basics, CGI.pm, mod_perl DBI, the database-independent API ...

Perl in A Nutshell

A Desktop Quick Reference
Perl in A Nutshell Image
2nd Edition
This complete guide to the Perl programming language ranges widely through the Perl programmer's universe, gathering together in a convenient form a wealth of information about Perl itself and its application to CGI scripts, XML processing, network programming, database interaction, and graphical user interfaces. The book is an ideal reference for experienced Perl programmers and beginners alike.With more than a million dedicated programmers, Perl is proving to be the best language for the latest trends in computing and business, including network programming and the ability to create and manage web sites. It's a language that every Unix system adminis...

Linux in a Nutshell

Linux in a Nutshell Image
6th Edition
Everything you need to know about Linux is in this book. Written by Stephen Figgins, Ellen Siever, Robert Love, and Arnold Robbins -- people with years of active participation in the Linux community -- Linux in a Nutshell, Sixth Edition, thoroughly covers programming tools, system and network administration tools, the shell, editors, and LILO and GRUB boot loaders. This updated edition offers a tighter focus on Linux system essentials, as well as more coverage of new capabilities such as virtualization, wireless network management, and revision control with git. It also highlights the most important options for using the vast number of Linux commands. ...

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