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Chris Adamson eBooks

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iOS SDK Development

iOS SDK Development Image
Welcome to the new state of the art development for iOS, with the radically overhauled Xcode 4 toolchain and iOS 5 SDK. With this book you'll accelerate your development for iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch. You will learn the new tools like Storyboards, practice on new APIs like the Twitter framework and use the latest features of the Objective-C 2.0 programming language. Since the iPhone's launch in 2008, the iOS platform has added two new device families, thousands of new APIs, new tools and programming practices, and hundreds of thousands of new apps. iOS SDK Development is the second edition of the bestselling iPhone SDK Development, completely rewritten from the ground up to cover iOS 5's new features. You'll get hands-on experience working with Ob...

QuickTime for Java

A Developer's Notebook
QuickTime for Java Image
QuickTime Java (QJT) is a terrific multimedia toolkit, but it's also terrifying to the uninitiated. Java developers who need to add audio, video, or interactive media creation and playback to their applications find that QTJ is powerful, but not easy to get into. In fact, when it comes to class-count, QuickTime Java is nearly as large as all of Java 1.1.Once you learn the entire scope of Apple's QuickTime software, you really appreciate the problem. At its simplest, QuickTime allows Mac and Windows users to play audio and video on their computers. But QuickTime is many things: a file format, an environment for media authoring, and a suite of applications that includes browser plug-ins for viewing media within a web page, a PictureViewer for working w...

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