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Dan Wellman eBooks Page 2

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jQuery 1.4 Animation Techniques

Beginners Guide
jQuery 1.4 Animation Techniques Image
Quickly master all of jQuery's animation methods and build a toolkit of ready-to-use animations using jQuery 1.4 Create both simple and complex animations using clear, step-by-step instructions, accompanied with screenshots Walk through each of jQuery's built-in animation methods and see in detail how each one can be used Over 50 detailed examples of different types of web page animations Attractive pictures and screenshots that show animations in progress and how the examples should finally appear Contains examples featuring many new HTML5 elements and CSS3 styling Follow the examples in a step-by-step approach beginning with simple concepts and building up to more advanced implementations In Detail jQuery is a cross-browser JavaScript library desig...

Learning the Yahoo User Interface library

Develop your next generation web applications with the YUI JavaScript development library
Learning the Yahoo User Interface library Image
Learning the Yahoo! User Interface Library introduces the popular open-source YUI JavaScript library and takes the user through each of the fully released components in detail looking at the classes that make up each component and the properties and methods that can be used. It includes a series of practical examples to reinforce how each component should/can be used. Author Dan Wellman takes the reader from beginner to advanced-level YUI usage and understanding. This book is for web developers comfortable with JavaScript and CSS, who want to use the YUI library to easily put together rich, responsive web interfaces. No knowledge of the YUI library is presumed....

jQuery UI 1.6

The User Interface Library for jQuery
jQuery UI 1.6 Image
Create powerful front-end interfaces for your web applications with jQuery UI. This book is for front-end designers and developers that need to quickly learn how to use the jQuery UI User Interface Library. To get the most out of this book you should have a good working knowledge of HTML, CSS and JavaScript, and will need to be comfortable using jQuery, the underlying foundation of jQuery UI....

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