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Martin Aspeli eBooks

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Professional Plone 4 Development

Professional Plone 4 Development Image
Professional Plone 4 Development is written in a clear conversational easy-to-understand style. This book cuts short the preamble and gets straight to the point - building robust, content-rich web applications with Plone 4. Detailed real world examples are provided for each chapter. This book assumes that the reader is familiar with Plone from the point of view of an administrator or power user, has a basic understanding of web application development, and is comfortable with the Python programming language....

Professional Plone Development

Building robust, content-centric web applications with Plone 3, an open source Content Management System.
Professional Plone Development Image
This book aims to teach best practices of Plone development, focusing on Plone 3.0. It covers setting up a suitable development environment, customizing Plone's look and feel, creating new content types and forms, connecting to external databases, and managing users and groups intelligently. It also shows how to configure a production-ready server, with LDAP authentication and caching. This book is aimed at developers who want to build content-centric web applications leveraging Plone's proven user interface and flexible infrastructure. Some familiarity with the Python programming language and basic web technologies such as HTML and CSS is assumed. Readers would also benefit from some prior experience with Zope or Plone, for example as site administr...

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