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Android Recipes

A Problem-Solution Approach
Android Recipes Image
4th Edition
Android Recipes, Fourth Edition offers more than 100 down-to-earth code recipes, and guides you step-by-step through a wide range of useful topics using complete and real-world working code examples. This book is updated to include the Android 5.0 SDK, as well as earlier releases.Instead of abstract descriptions of complex concepts, in Android Recipes, you'll find live code examples. When you start a new project you can consider copying and pasting the code and configuration files from this book and then modifying them for your own customization needs.Crammed with insightful instruction and helpful examples, this fourth edition of Android Recipes is yo...

Android Recipes

A Problem-Solution Approach
Android Recipes Image
3rd Edition
Android continues to be one of the leading mobile OS and development platforms driving today's mobile innovations and the apps ecosystem. Android appears complex, but offers a variety of organized development kits to those coming into Android with differing programming language skill sets. Android Recipes: A Problem-Solution Approach, Third Edition offers more than 100 down-to-earth code recipes, and guides you step-by-step through a wide range of useful topics using complete and real-world working code examples. It's updated to include the KitKat Android 4.4 SDK as well as earlier releases.Instead of abstract descriptions of complex concepts, in Andro...

Android Recipes

A Problem-Solution Approach
Android Recipes Image
2nd Edition
Android continues to be one of the leading mobile OS and development platforms driving today's mobile innovations and the apps ecosystem. Android appears complex, but offers a variety of organized development kits to those coming into Android with differing programming language skill sets. Android Recipes: A Problem-Solution Approach, Second Edition offers more than 100 down-to-earth code recipes, and guides you step-by-step through a wide range of useful topics using complete and real-world working code examples. It's updated to include the Jelly Bean Android SDK as well as earlier releases. Instead of abstract descriptions of complex concepts, in ...

Android Recipes

A Problem-Solution Approach
Android Recipes Image
Android continues to be one of the leading mobile OS and development platforms driving today's mobile innovations and the apps ecosystem. Androidappears complex, but offers a variety of organized development kits to those coming into Android with differing programming language skill sets. Android Recipes: A Problem-Solution Approach guides you step-by-step through a wide range of useful topics using complete and real-world working code examples. In this book, you'll start off with a recap of Android architecture and app fundamentals, and then get down to business and build an app with Googles Android SDK at the command line and Eclipse. Next, you'll learn how to accomplish practical tasks pertaining to the user interface, communications with the cl...

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