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Bertrand Meyer eBooks

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The Good, the Hype and the Ugly
Agile Image
Are you attracted by the promises of agile methods but put off by the fanaticism of many agile texts? Would you like to know which agile techniques work, which ones do not matter much, and which ones will harm your projects? Then you need Agile!: the first exhaustive, objective review of agile principles, techniques and tools.Agile methods are one of the most important developments in software over the past decades, but also a surprising mix of the best and the worst. Until now every project and developer had to sort out the good ideas from the bad by themselves. This book spares you the pain. It offers both a thorough descriptive presentation of agile techniques and a perceptive analysis of their benefits and limitations.Agile! serves first as a pri...

Object-Oriented Software Construction

Object-Oriented Software Construction Image
2nd Edition
This is, quite simply, the definitive reference on the most important development in software technology for the last 20 years: object-orientation. A whole generation was introduced to object technology through the first edition of this book. This long-awaited new edition retains the qualities of clarity, practicality and scholarship that made the first an instant best-seller, but has been thoroughly revised and expanded. Among the new topics covered in depth are: Concurrency, distribution, client/server and the Internet; object-oriented databases; design by contract; fundamental design patterns; finding classes; the use and misuse of inheritance; abst...

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