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Michael Cross eBooks

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How to Cheat at Designing a Windows Server 2003 Active Directory Infrastructure

How to Cheat at Designing a Windows Server 2003 Active Directory Infrastructure Image
Windows 2003 Server is unquestionably the dominant enterprise level operating system in the industry, with 95% of all companies running it. And for the last tow years, over 50% of all product upgrades have been security related. Securing Windows Server, according to bill gates, is the company's #1 priority.The book will start off by teaching readers to create the conceptual design of their Active Directory infrastructure by gathering and analyzing business and technical requirements. Next, readers will create the logical design for an Active Directory infrastructure. Here the book starts to drill deeper and focus on aspects such as group policy design. Finally, readers will learn to create the physical design for an active directory and network Infra...

Social Media Security

Leveraging Social Networking While Mitigating Risk
Social Media Security Image
Social networks, particularly public ones, have become part of the fabric of how we communicate and collaborate as a society. With value from micro-level personal networking to macro-level outreach, social networking has become pervasive in people's lives and is now becoming a significant driving force in business. These new platforms have provided new approaches to many critical enterprise functions, including identifying, communicating, and gathering feedback with customers (e.g., Facebook, Ning); locating expertise (e.g., LinkedIn); providing new communication platforms (e.g., Twitter); and collaborating with a community, small or large (e.g., wikis). However, many organizations have stayed away from potential benefits of social networks because o...

Developer's Guide to Web Application Security

Developer's Guide to Web Application Security Image
Over 75% of network attacks are targeted at the web application layer. This book provides explicit hacks, tutorials, penetration tests, and step-by-step demonstrations for security professionals and Web application developers to defend their most vulnerable applications.This book defines Web application security, why it should be addressed earlier in the lifecycle in development and quality assurance, and how it differs from other types of Internet security. Additionally, the book examines the procedures and technologies that are essential to developing, penetration testing and releasing a secure Web application. Through a review of recent Web application breaches, the book will expose the prolific methods hackers use to execute Web attacks using com...

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