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Mark Pilgrim eBooks

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Dive Into Python 3

Dive Into Python 3 Image
Mark Pilgrim's Dive Into Python 3 is a hands-on guide to Python 3 and its differences from Python 2. As in the original book, Dive Into Python, each chapter starts with a real, complete code sample, proceeds to pick it apart and explain the pieces, and then puts it all back together in a summary at the end. This book includes: Example programs completely rewritten to illustrate powerful new concepts now available in Python 3: sets, iterators, generators, closures, comprehensions, and much more A detailed case study of porting a major library from Python 2 to Python 3 A comprehensive appendix of all the syntactic and semantic changes in Python 3 This is the perfect resource for you if you need to port applications to Python 3, or if you like to j...


Up and Running
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If you don't know about the new features available in HTML5, now's the time to find out. The latest version of this markup language is going to significantly change the way you develop web applications, and this book provides your first real look at HTML5's new elements and attributes. Even though work on HTML5 is ongoing, browsers such as Safari, Mozilla, Opera, and Chrome already support many of its features -- and browsers for smart phones are even farther ahead, especially iPhone's MobileSafari browser. With HTML5: Up Running, you'll learn how this new version enables browsers to interact with JavaScript much more easily than before. You'll also learn how HTML5 can help you develop applications that: Display video directly in the browser, withou...

Dive Into Python

Dive Into Python Image
Whether you're an experienced programmer looking to get into Python or grizzled Python veteran who remembers the days when you had to import the string module, Dive Into Python is your 'desert island' Python book. Joey deVilla, Slashdot contributor As a complete newbie to the language...I constantly had those little thoughts like, 'this is the way a programming language should be taught.' Lasse Koskela , JavaRanch Apress has been profuse in both its quantity and quality of releasesand (this book is) surely worth adding to your technical reading budget for skills development. Blane Warrene, Technology Notes I am reading this ... because the language seems like a good way to accomplish programming tasks that don't require the low-level bit h...

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